When nurse practitioner Emily Dial got pregnant with her third child, she knew that she wanted a particularly special Caesarean section birth. With the professional expertise required, Dial decided that she wanted to deliver her own baby — so she did exactly that!
“It was a perfect moment. It was probably one of the most perfect moments of my life,” Dial told PEOPLE, noting that she expected the baby to be a boy. “I was in shock and awe. I really wasn’t thinking about my belly being wide open. I was just like, ‘Oh my God! This really is a girl.”
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The stunning moments were captured by Sarah Hill Photography.
“This was by far one of the most incredible days of my life,” photographer Sarah Hill posted alongside the photos. “My amazing midwife Emily Dial not only had a C-Section today but SHE PULLED THE BABY OUT HERSELF!!!!!! It was unreal.”

“To say that she is amazing, is an understatement,” Hill continues. “She was meant to bring babies into this world and didn’t let a little thing like a C-Section stop her from delivering her own!”
“It was incredible to be able to capture that moment through my lens! Besides giving birth to my own boys it was one of the best days I’ve ever had,” Hill told PEOPLE. “There’s something so special about witnessing life come into this world but when you get to see a momma do it the way Emily did it’s indescribable.”

Dial’s first child, Grayson, died ten days after birth due to health problems. When she gave birth to now-4-year-old Ella in 2013, she was feeling terrible and was unable to be actively involved in the delivery. Now that she has accomplished this ultimate dream of hers with with her youngest child, Dial says that it will be a moment that she doubts will ever be topped.
“I pulled my own baby out! It’s gonna be really difficult in the future to top that moment,” Dial told PEOPLE. “I had the [plastic] drape in front of my face and, trying to maintain sterile technique, I couldn’t kiss [Emma]. I just kept bringing her up to my face and looking at her, like, ‘I just want you in my arms so much.’”
Dial hopes that her story will help women see Caesarean section births in a new light.

“No, it is not ideal for a woman to have a Caesarean deliver, but even if you do, you can still have a great experience,” she said. “It doesn’t mean you have to just be laying on a table. You can still be a part of your birth. Even if you’re not pulling your baby out, you can still be an active part of your birth and have a great experience.”
You can view all of the photos from Dial’s incredible delivery here.