A group of volunteers in the local Iowa community of Ankeny, are giving families in need a gracious “blessing” in the form of free food and personal items at their disposal.
The team has created 6 “blessing boxes” that will be placed at various sites throughout the 40,000 plus populated town.
The way in which they work is pretty simple. People will be able to open up the window like doors and take what they need and leave what they can, volunteer, Linda Franklin said to the Des Moines based news station, KCCI 8.
As of now, according to one of A Helping Hand in Ankeny recent Facebook posts, the small but mighty team, are digging up their first hole in the area for the box stand to be placed on.
Fellow organizer, Desiray Walker emphasized the importance of these boxes because everyone endures lean times, including Walker herself, who states that at times her family could have benefited from one of these.
The crew started this past summer and so far positive feedback is pouring in and they hope that overtime this idea will catch on.
So are we! To support the, A Helping Hand in Ankeny, check out their Facebook page.
(h/t KCCI 8)