A 6-year-old little girl was so moved by the plight of children and families following Hurricane Irma that she came up with a plan: she is collecting stuffed animals and plans to donate them to those impacted by the catastrophe.
Jenna Peltier of Savannah, Georgia, asked her mom if she could create a toy drive to help kids in need after the hurricane and she complied, though her mom had no idea that the effort, dubbed “Jenna’s Hugs After Hurricanes,” would catch on like wildfire.
“It’s a little crazy, not what I expected at all from this. We thought it was just going to be local, like we’d be lucky to get 20 people out to donate,” Jenna’s mom, Christina, told The Savannah Morning News. “It’s turned into: I don’t know how we’re going to house all these animals.”
People from all over the country donated stuffed animals after Christina created a Facebook page advertising the effort. Jenna said that she chose stuffed animals rather than other toys because of the comfort she believes they can bring, especially after so many kids and families lost their homes during the hurricane.
“I like them because they give cuddles whenever I feel like I’m lonely, but I’m not lonely,” Jenna told the outlet.
She even donated some of her own stuffed animals, giving a hug to each one — a move the little girl said is intended to “let them know she still loves them” — before she sends the animals off to be with other children.
Jenna also attached a card to each one and signed her name.
The family will host a kick-off event on Saturday during which distribution will begin. Hats off to Jenna and her decision to do such a kind act for kids suffering after the hurricane.
(H/T: The Savannah Morning News)