In a recent episode of “Young Sheldon,” the CBS spinoff series based off the sitcom “The Big Bang Theory,” the show’s main character, nine-year-old Sheldon, helps his mother rediscover God in the throes of a crisis of faith.
Sheldon, of course, has no interest in the divine. After all, he constantly pesters the pastor of his church during Sunday morning services, never failing to challenge his faith declarations and determinations.
But when mom is down, a good son does whatever he can to lift her spirits. And that’s exactly what he did.
Sheldon’s mom, Mary, battled unbelief after learning the teenage daughter of one of her friends was killed in a horrific car accident. Her pastor suggested she should serve others as a way to process the grief. She also creates a prayer garden, according to The Christian Post.
But none of it was working.
Soon enough, Sheldon noticed something was wrong with his mom, generally a stalwart believer and loving caregiver, so he dug in. Sitting on a porch swing one night, he asked his mother, “So you don’t believe in God anymore?”
Despite his own disinterest in God, Sheldon was determined to restore his mother’s faith in the creator. So he made his case:
Did you know that if gravity was slightly more powerful, the universe would collapse into a ball? Also if gravity was slightly less powerful, the universe would fly apart and there’d be no stars or planets. Gravity is precisely as strong as it needs to be, and if the ratio of the electromagnetic force to the strong force wasn’t one percent, life wouldn’t exist. What are the odds that would happen all by itself?
Perplexed by her son’s argument for the Almighty, Mary asked Sheldon why he was arguing for the existence of a God he does not believe actually exists.
“The precision of the universe at least makes it logical to conclude there’s a creator,” Sheldon replied.
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Mary still wasn’t convinced. So Sheldon continued, “Well there are 5 billion people on this planet and you’re the perfect mom for me. What are the odds of that?”
That did it for Mary. Once a skeptic, her son’s case for the creator renewed her faith.
“Thank you, Lord, for this little boy,” she said as she hugged young Sheldon.