Doctors were left stunned after a recent exam revealed a California man’s brain tumor had completely disappeared.
A few months back, Lodi community volunteer Paul Wood started to feel extremely unwell. Unable to keep his balance and suffering from excruciating headaches, he knew that something was seriously wrong.
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“I had massive headaches, I couldn’t walk down the hallway without holding on to the walls,” he told KOVR-TV.
Then, the worst-case scenario became a reality. After several tests and scans, doctors confirmed Wood had a brain tumor and advised that he should undergo immediate surgery. Devastated by the news, but hopeful in God’s ultimate plan, the volunteer turned to the community that he’d spend decades serving, and requested just one thing: prayer. And boy did he get it.
“My phone is blowing up, my Facebook is prayer after prayer, all over California,” Wood explained.
Then, just as he was preparing to go in for surgery, something absolutely extraordinary happened: the doctors could find absolutely no trace of his brain tumor. They canceled the surgery and sent Wood on his way.
“It’s a miracle and that is the way God planned it,” he said.

Still, the specialists did their best to understand the cause for Wood’s rapid remission. So far, it remains a complete mystery to them.
“We do tests and we have medical technology and we try to come up with some conclusion… sometimes things happen that we can’t explain,” said Dr. Richard Yee.
As such, staff Paul’s local congregation, Gravity Church, believe that this was a clear-cut case of the Lord at work through the power of prayer.
“He just kept saying, ‘no matter what happens to me, I’m going to be okay. I trust God.’ And that was an inspiration for a lot of people around him,” said Jason McEachron, a pastor at the church, whose motto is simply “Love With No Agenda.”
“Paul’s story just breathes hope,” added congregation member Ryan Kimura.
Wood noted that medical teams were so astonished by his miraculous recovery that they have asked him to volunteer to be involved in a research study.