Pornography is wildly addictive, and it is not hard to see why. Producing a surge of adrenaline and a shot of sexual excitement, it is no wonder that billions of hours of explicit content
According to the
Unfortunately, there is a catch to all of this — namely, that porn, while it might evoke sexual excitement, is also physically, relationally, emotionally and spiritually ruinous. Not only is porn abjectly sinful, but it has also been proven to be addictive in a similar manner to that of alcohol or drug addiction, and is widely thought to adversely affect mental health.
The most powerful effect of porn, however, is something that can cripple any Christian: shame.
“When we look at porn, we feel shame, which leads to isolation,” says porn accountability service, Covenant Eyes, in a new video. “Then, when something triggers us, we go back to the porn, and it all starts over again.”
The video is from the creators of the viral Squatty Potty campaign, and their take on battling porn addiction doesn’t disappoint.
“The best way to break the cycle,” the organization noted, “is to remove the shame and isolation by opening up to a friend.”
Certainly, a close personal relationship with someone who cares deeply about your spiritual life is extremely beneficial. Keeping each other accountable and ensuring that you pick each other up when you fall is a transformative thing.
However, there is also a crucial spiritual element to this battle that is vitally important to address.
Indeed, an effective way to combat porn addiction as a Christian is to look at the deeper root causes as to why you are turning to porn instead of God for strength and comfort.
That’s where
“Set Free” is a seven-week video series to help those fighting sexual sin. The e-course will equip participants with the spiritual and practical tools they need to get pornography out of their lives. For more information about the study or to enroll, click here.
Break the cycle of shame in your life and get free from porn for good.