After we published an article earlier this week about a petition launched this week urging Christians to cancel Netflix and Hulu while having them pledge not to support Disney-Plus when it launches, there was a common critique to be found among the masses.
Usually, it’d go something like this: ‘Oh, I’m sure the multi-billion dollar company is shaking in its boots now!’
Here’s an article on The Friendly Atheist calling out Faithwire for “exaggerating” the exodus from Netflix:
“Netflix is on the verge of going out of business. At least that’s what one Christian website really wants people to think.”
The problem with this critique is, well, everything.
It is your run of the mill straw man fallacy, which happens when someone refutes an argument or point that you never made. Faithwire, nor the founders of RedPetition, ever claimed this would or could make Netflix go belly-up.
Obviously, we here at Faithwire are well aware of Netflix’s mountains of cash. Literally, every human in America is aware that a couple hundred thousand dollars a year, even a couple hundred thousand subscribers a year, wouldn’t be more than an annoying gnat in Netflix’s eyelid.
Yes, we are aware Netflix isn’t on the verge of going out of business because thousands of Christians have decided this week it’s time to pull the plug on the streaming giant. No one here claimed they were.
Since atheist bloggers – and to be fair, many Christians who made the same claim – can’t seem to find the bright spot in this petition catching on, here are a few reasons why it matters.
*It causes Christians to actually think about where they are using the resources God has given them. Too often we go with the flow of culture, without taking much time to think about what we are supporting or not supporting. It is always wise to re-evaluate how we are using what’s God’s. Would He approve of how you are using the finances He’s provided for you?
*While the number is relatively small, it is also impressive. This petition wasn’t started by a big celebrity with massive reach, but a regular individual with normal social followings like the rest of us.
*Hundreds of thousands of dollars may not be much to Netflix, but it certainly would be a lot for a small Christian production company. Think about the Kendrick brothers. They turned a few thousand dollars into a movie (Facing the Giants) which ended up making $10 million dollars. They then produced Fireproof, which netted $33 million at the box office. Never underestimate how much God can do with even the smallest amount!
So, yes, Netflix isn’t going bankrupt because of this petition. But that’s not the point! The point is for Christians to be aware of how they are using the resources God gave them, and to consider moving them into more God-honoring avenues. When we do that, amazing things happen – more than we can ever imagine!