A pregnant woman unleashed an angry, vicious post detailing the impending abortion of what appears to be twins who were growing inside her womb.
The post, illuminated by Daily Wire columnist Matt Walsh, who expressed shock at the “psychotic, bloodthirsty, and cartoonishly evil” the pro-abortion movement is becoming.
The rant was initially posted shortly after New Year’s Day, but only recently gained viral traction when pro-life audiences began getting exposed to the stunning level of visceral hatred displayed towards an innocent, unborn baby.
Click here for the original post (LANGUAGE WARNING).
The woman, posting in a Reddit channel called ‘Child Free’ whose mission is to engage in “Discussion and links of interest to childfree individuals. “Childfree” refers to those who do not have and do not ever want children (whether biological, adopted, or otherwise),” displays an obvious disdain for human life.
“I can’t (expletive) wait to be done with the anxiety of knowing these things are in my uterus and knowing that I will not have to birth dribbling horror goblins,” the pregnant mother writes. “I will not have post-partum depression or be left disfigured with stretch-marks. My relationship with my SO will not be ruined.”
The rant clearly shows an individual who is more concerned with their own self above all else, even the two humans growing inside her very own womb.
“I am dedicating this double fetus purge to the anti-choice movement because no matter how hard you try, you will not force us to be your handmaids. Happy 2020!” she concludes.
Referring to the baby as a fetus is a common tactic among pro-choice proponents, it is an attempt to dehumanize the unborn child. Perhaps people who employ this tactic are unaware that fetus is simply Latin for offspring or child. In the case of a human fetus, it is a human child.
Pray for this mother who likely went through with this abortion and killed the unborn twins growing in her womb. Despite the outward confidence she was making the right choice, she will undoubtedly struggle with this throughout her life, knowing she terminated her own children.
Pray also for the millions of pregnant women who may be considering killing their own child, may they not fall victim to the lies and deceit from those who champion this ghoulish practice.