New England Patriots player Benjamin Watson has always been vocal about his pro-life beliefs, so it’s no surprise the tight end is producing a new pro-life documentary.
Watson, who is also partially financing the documentary, interviews 30 Americans in the film, who are on both sides of the aisle. The film features a few different prominent figures, including former presidential candidate and neurosurgeon Ben Carson as well as Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“My goal is to unveil the truth about abortion, the laws, the history and where our country is headed,” Watson told The Hollywood Reporter in an interview. “I believe in the sanctity of life, be it in the womb or on your deathbed. That’s my conviction. But with the film, I’ll engage those who disagree and hear their reasoning. The number one thing I’m looking for is empathy on both sides.”
“I never thought I’d be involved in a movie, but so many different laws have passed in New York, Alabama, Georgia, it seems this issue — which has always been a part of our national consciousness — has ramped up recently,” Watson added. “Things are at a fever pitch.”
Last spring, when Watson began filming the documentary, he had a run-in on social media with actress and pro-abortion activist Alyssa Milano.
“I feel like any woman of privilege that lives in one of these states — if this goes through — they’re gonna be able to travel to a state to get a safe reproductive health care,” Alyssa Milano said in an interview with Chris Cuomo. “But for the women of color, for the women that are marginalized, for the women that are low-income communities, for the women that are most at-risk, this bill will be catastrophic.”
Watson, who has seven children, responded to her comments, saying that they were hurtful to “women of color,” and especially “reveals ignorance, racism or some combination of both.”
“Our children and families are capable of greatness and lies like this harm our future. Don’t patronize us,” Watson added.
“Dissenting views should be respected and in fact encouraged,” Watson explained to the Hollywood Reporter. “There are many people in Hollywood who would consider themselves pro-life but they feel as though their viewpoint is unacceptable in the industry. No one should feel like their job is in danger because of their convictions on this issue.”
Watson explained that they are currently working distributors, as well as talking with theatres, and buying out theatre slots.
“This has been a fun learning experience,” Watson said. “I didn’t know ‘P&A’ or any of the other terms. This is my first foray into filmmaking, but hopefully not my last.”
Divided Hearts of America started filming in May and is currently in post-production.