People across the country have been praying for President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after announcing on Friday they tested positive for COVID-19.
President Trump was taken to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center that same day as a precautionary measure. He was given a Regeneron antibody cocktail and the drug Remdesivir to fast-track his recovery from the virus.
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said he went through a “very concerning” period on Friday and that the next 48 hours will be “critical.” The president shared a video Saturday on Twitter, praising the doctors and nurses who are treating him and said “I feel much better now.”
During a briefing on Sunday, the president’s medical team said he has not had a fever since Friday morning, he will continue treatment on Dexamethasone and Remdesivir to fight the virus, and is “continuing to do well.” Depending on how well the president does today will determine whether he is released from the hospital on Monday.
White House physician Sean Conley released a statement Saturday evening revealing that the president is not receiving supplemental oxygen, he had not had a fever for 24 hours and was given a second dose of Remdesivir without any complications.
Conley explained that the physicians intend to keep President Trump on the five dose treatment plan of Remdesivir.
“While not out of the woods yet, the team remains cautiously optimistic,” he added.
The president shared a video on Twitter Sunday evening where he thanked the doctors and nurses at the hospital – adding that he had a surprise for his supporters.

“We’re going to pay a little surprise to some of the great patriots that we have out on the street and they’ve been out there for a long time,” Trump said. “They’ve got Trump flags and they love our country so I’m not telling anybody but you but, I’m about to make a little surprise visit.”
Despite strong concerns from the White House Correspondents’ Association, Trump took a short motorcade ride so he could wave to the cheerful crowd waiting outside the hospital.

When asked what preventative measures were taken when the president left the hospital, White House spokesman Judd Deere said, “Appropriate precautions were taken in the execution of this movement to protect the President and all those supporting it, including PPE. The movement was cleared by the medical team as safe to do.”
Prayer warriors took to social media this weekend to show their support for the president and first lady in hopes of a quick recovery.
Evangelist Franklin Graham tweeted, “It was said that the next 48 hrs are the most critical as @POTUS recovers from coronavirus. I would urge everyone to continue to pray that God’s hand would be on him—and on this nation. Also pray for his dear wife, @FLOTUS Melania Trump, and all those suffering from this virus.”
Rev. Johnnie Moore sent his prayers to the president and offered a message of encouragement.
“Looking great, Mr. President! We know you’ve got this! Thankful too for those “many miracles coming down from God” in this “the greatest country in the world!” God bless you! Rest easy! We’ll do our part while you do!”
Christian leader Beth Moore wrote that she began praying immediately for the president and first lady after hearing the news early Friday.
Pastor Tony Suarez wrote, “I know a name greater than covid, corona, or sars, it’s the name of Jesus and I pray healing in that wonderful name over you and the first lady. Rest and get well sir. See you back on the campaign trail soon. Blessings and continued prayers!”
One Twitter user even dedicated a song to the president and first lady.
“This song is for President @realDonaldTrump. Our Prayers are with you and @FLOTUS and we know that you all will get through this because ‘This Is America.'”
Meanwhile, multiple groups gathered Saturday outside the hospital to show President Trump that they are on his side.
One group of supporters sang Amazing Grace in honor of the president.
Meadows said President Trump has been working in the presidential suite at the hospital and “continues to believe that he’s got to get a number of things done for the American people.”
The president tweeted Sunday afternoon, “I really appreciate all of the fans and supporters outside of the hospital. The fact is, they really love our Country and are seeing how we are MAKING IT GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!”