Tyler Blevins is one of the most prolific video-game streamers on the internet, with a Twitch account boasting more than 19 million followers and a YouTube channel with nearly 24 million subscribers. So when he says something, it makes an impact.
During a recent stream, Blevins, who goes by “Ninja” online, said, “Yes, dude, Jesus is King. I mean, and if — even if you don’t think He is — don’t judge me for it, and I won’t judge you for it, man. I do, I just feel it’s so crazy, man.”
This is not the first time Blevins has spoken candidly about his worldview.
In 2019, for example, the viral gamer revealed during a livestream doctors pressured his mother to abort him after prenatal tests suggested he could suffer from spina bifida or Down syndrome.
Thanking his mother for not pursuing an abortion for him or his two brothers, Blevins said, “My mom is a saint and an angel and I love her to death.”
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During his recent faith-related comments, “Ninja” offered his perspective on how to approach conversations about religion, encouraging listeners to engage to listen and learn rather than to force their own beliefs onto others.
“When you’re talking to somebody and you’re having a conversation, that’s an important conversation, right?” he said. “[W]hen you’re talking to someone, don’t talk to that person to change their mind, right? You’re talking to this person, you know, you’re just talking to them, right? And if you end up changing their mind, that’s great.”
Faith, he continued, shouldn’t be born out of fear but out of a desire to enter into a relationship with God.
“We don’t need something like the threat of the end of times to start becoming better humans and developing a relationship with the Lord,” said Blevins. “You know what I mean, dude? Anyways, I’m never here to push anything on you guys. I love you all — no matter what. And in the chat, we respect all religions, all people … Someone has no religion? We love everybody, dude.”
And for those who already are Christians, the well-known YouTuber emphasized the value of prayer.
He said he is “a better person and in a better mindset” since he committed himself to daily prayer.
“The most important thing I preach personally is that you just gotta love everybody — and I mean everybody,” he recently said. “It’s all about respect and never belittling someone else’s faith, no matter what it is.”
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