Faith Doctors Didn’t Think Man in Coma Would Make it After Horrific High-Speed Crash — but God Had Other Plans Billy Hallowell
Culture Taylor Swift’s ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ Just Got a Faith-Based Face-Lift — and It’s Awesome Billy Hallowell
Culture ‘It Was Literally a Picture of Hell’: Terrorists Nearly Killed Him, But He Says Prayer Changed Everything Billy Hallowell
Culture ‘I’m a Human Being Just Like You’: 21-Year-Old Woman With Down Syndrome Delivers Powerful Rebuke to the UN Billy Hallowell
Faith ‘Stop Mocking Prayer’: Country Star Snaps Back at Those Slamming Prayer in the Wake of Tragedy Billy Hallowell
Life Pregnant Mom Goes Into Total Hero Mode After SUV Crashes Into Lake and Quickly Starts Sinking Billy Hallowell
News Chaos in London as Reports of Shots Fired at Train Station Send Shoppers, Pedestrians Fleeing Billy Hallowell
Faith Pastor of Texas Church Where 26 Were Killed Shares Painful Yet Powerful Example of How God is Still Working Billy Hallowell
Culture ‘Unashamed and Unafraid’ Denzel Washington Reveals Why ‘It is So Difficult to Trust That Jesus Died for Our Sins’ Billy Hallowell
Culture Emmy-Winning Actress’ Powerful Message About Jesus and Salvation: ‘Our Lives Here Are Really Brief’ Billy Hallowell
Faith Pastor Who Says His Son Nearly Died and Visited Heaven Breaks Down the ‘Greatest Lie’ Satan Perpetuates Billy Hallowell
Faith After 3,557 Days of Intense Prayer and Disappointment, Singer Christy Sutherland Has a Joyous Announcement Billy Hallowell
Faith Dad Whose Son Miraculously Survived Two Horrific Terror Attacks Responds to ‘Evil’ in Truly Powerful Way Billy Hallowell
Faith Cancer-Stricken Little Girl’s Amazing Response When a Reporter Asks: ‘What Keeps Your Spirits High?’ Billy Hallowell
Life Dramatic Footage Shows North Korean Soldier Fleeing and Being Shot as He Risks it All for a Better Life Billy Hallowell