Israel Bethlehem Welcomes Holy Land Tourists to Jesus’ Birthplace for Christmas After Pandemic Slump Associated Press
Israel Terrorists Murder 3 Israelis Using Hatchets and Knives, Palestinians Celebrate with Sweets Emily Jones
Israel ‘Resurrection of 2,000-Year-Old Ancient Date Seeds’: Farmers In Israel Bring to Life Fruit Trees From Bible Times Julie Stahl
Israel Archaeologists Uncover City Wall from First Temple Times that Protected Ancient Jerusalem Julie Stahl
Israel Hamas ‘Summer Camp’ Registration Video Shows Military Training for Palestinians Age 9 and Up Julie Stahl
Israel ‘Sacred Duty’: On Holocaust Memorial Day, Israel Remembers 6 Million Jews Killed By Nazis Emily Jones
Israel FOUND: New Dead Sea Scroll Fragments of Biblical Prophets Zechariah and Nahum Revealed after Daring Rescue Operation Julie Stahl
Israel ‘Never Again’: Israeli and German Air Force Jets Fly Together Over Dachau in Powerful Show of Unity CBN News