culture Most Teenagers Have Seen Pornography By Age 13, Alarming New Study Reveals Tré Goins-Phillips
culture Biden Admin’s Rachel Levine Demands Tech Companies Censor ‘Misinformation’ About ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Minors Tré Goins-Phillips
culture Sweden Pulls Back From Gender Affirming Care on Minors: ‘Good Psychological Care Is Fundamental’ Talia Wise
culture ‘Sick Creeps’: Harry Styles’ Gucci Campaign Photos Spark Furor Just Weeks After Balenciaga Debacle Billy Hallowell
culture Kirk Cameron Declares Victory After Libraries Reportedly Reverse Course on ‘Unfair and Illegal’ Treatment, Allow Him to Host Story Hour Billy Hallowell
culture ‘Obscenity Is Not Protected Speech’: Senator Introduces Bill That Could Outlaw Pornography Tré Goins-Phillips
culture Kirk Cameron Hits Back After Libraries Reportedly ‘Discriminate’ Against Him: ‘I’m Prepared to Assert My Constitutional Rights’ Billy Hallowell
culture Cambridge Dictionary Bows to ‘Woke Activists,’ Changes Definition of ‘Woman’ Tré Goins-Phillips
culture Alarming First Amendment Findings? Stunning Number of Americans Clueless About Religious Freedom Billy Hallowell
culture ‘No Ban on Christmas’: Library Reverses Course on Purported Christmas Tree Policy That Ignited Chaos, Furor Billy Hallowell
culture ‘The Contradictions Drive Me Crazy’: JK Rowling Explains Why She Speaks Out on Transgenderism Tré Goins-Phillips
culture ‘A Betrayal’: Mom Lambastes American Girl After Viral Controversy Over Gender Issues in New Book Billy Hallowell
culture ‘Forgive Us’: Beth Moore Decries ‘Christian Celebrity Culture,’ Says Her Generation Did Younger Age Groups ‘a Disservice’ Tré Goins-Phillips
culture ‘I’m Sorry, WHAT?’: Fiery Fuss Erupts After Library Reportedly Bans Christmas Tree Because Holiday Spruce Made People ‘Uncomfortable’ Billy Hallowell
culture Virginia Restaurant Refuses Service to Christian Group, Could Make Staff ‘Uncomfortable or Unsafe’ Talia Wise